Learning Links of Fairport

It all started with O N E...
Learning Links of Fairport was created after Fairport United Methodist Church (FUMC), through Catholic Family Services, sponsored ONE refugee family from Kenya who emigrated to the U.S., through approval of President George W. Bush. That's what began our story-- as ONE good thing begets the next...
so here are the details:
FUMC, through Pastor John McNeill, was inspired to reach out and support the families here in Fairport, not in downtown Rochester, He wanted to this family to live locally in the community--at The Pines of Perinton. After hosting the new family in her home for almost a month , FUMC member Kate Thon saw the vital need to support the children of refugees and other foreign-born children coming to the U.S., in their "American" schooling.
Thon and McNeill prayerfully worked together for a year to start a ‘homework help’ program for these multi-cultural kids in Fairport schools, on the Pines' grounds. With the approval and support from Len Statham of Partners In Community Development (PICD), the program began in January 2009. We had 5 students and 5 tutors! It was the start of something really big!
Maintaining our 1:1 student-tutor ratio on Tuesday nights, with generous assistance from Exxon Mobil's Employee Match program and kind adult volunteer tutors coming from churches and the local community, LL continued reaching more students and tutors. By 2012, we had 27-34 Fairport school kids, when we expanded to two nights per week in April of 2013. By the 2014 school year we had 42 students and needed a milestone third night of tutoring. With the help of volunteers Dave Large and Church of the Resurrection team, we had 54 kids attending each week.
Zoom ahead to our 11th year... and our 98 students attend LL as K-2nd graders on Thursdays, 6th-12th graders on Wednesdays and 3rd-5th graders on Tuesdays.
The majority of Learning Links of Fairport students live in The Pines of Perinton and come from families of diverse cultures and religious backgrounds from around the world, thus giving it the nickname, “The Little United Nations of Perinton.” Many kids in our program are the fastest adapting English speakers in their families and act as translators for their parents.
Learning Links is approved as a tutoring program by the Fairport Central School District. We are non-profit organization through our our community partner, Fairport Foundation, a 501(c)3 entity, making your donations tax-deductible.
We are blessed to be supported by community members, area churches: FUMC, Church of the Resurrection, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Mt. Rise UCC, Church of the Assumption, and more. Fairport Rotary and Fairport Area Lion's Club also support Learning Links of Fairport. Our company partners like Harris Beach Law Firm, Bosch Security Systems, AirQuip Heating & Air, and more support Learning Links in so many important ways!
(Learning Links of Fairport was officially named after helping Webster United Methodist Church create a Learning Links
program in Webster--at Phillips Village. So, we became Learning Links of Fairport (Perinton and Penfield, too)!
Meet some of our AWESOME Tutors,
together we are Learning Links!
Kate LL Co-Founder & Director (volunteer), LL Board President/ 6-12th Grade Co-
Coordinator and Spring K-2 Coordinator (when Ms. Barb is in AZ!) Retired
graphic design & communications
Fun Fact: She has 19 nieces & nephews, 19 greats, 16 "Kenya kids" and 113 LL kids, and each one is her favorite!
Wants our kids to become confident and excited learners. Her favorite moments are seeing the kids smiling and being kind with others.
Becky 3rd-5th Grade Coordinator, LL Board Secretary and Fairport Rotary President
Retired school administration
Fun Fact: Started MOBY, helping folks in "My Own BackYard"
Becky has never met a kid or kid project that she didn't love! Becky helps LL students
with bikes, backpacks and school trips, too!
Her motto: Isn't this so much fun!

Shelley Adult Tutoring Coordinator, LL Board, Retired ENL Administrator & Educator
Fun Fact: Loves to travel
Has a lot of fun working with the Adults who bravely take on English as their second
Her motto: Never stop learning!
Bill LL Board VP & Fairport Admin. Liaison, long-time tutor and board since 2009! Retired School Principal, College Instructor
Fun Fact: Supposed to slow down when he retired, but it isn't happening so far!
Bill also wants to play more of golf with his wife, now that he doesn't have to get up and go to school everyday! Bill has been guiding the LL board of directors from the beginning!
Brian LLBoard Treasurer, Long-time tutor and benefactor since 2009!
Fun Fact: There is a lot of 'Goodness' in their family!
Spends time around the world and at home, but guess where he loves to be the most, with his growing family! He's also really smart and he can help kids with almost any questiono they have. We're blessed to have Mr. Brian so involved at LL!

Cindy Learning Links Board Member, LL School Liaison, Retired Educator
Fun Fact: Family theme is "Better Crazy than Boring"
I have been an educator all of my adult life both in my career, as a grandmother recently, and as a volunteer through Rotary. Thus my motto is: The more you give the more you receive.
Kim LL Board Member, Elem. Ed Liaison/ Teaches 5th grade SE at Northside
Fun Fact: Travels all over the world on breaks
More to come
Kalsan LL Board Member, Pines Liaison / Mother and Community Friend
Fun Fact: Happiness is her middle name, or should be!
Kalsan is a key assist to all things Learning Links and loves the program!
Alma LL Board Member, Islamic Community Liaison
Fun Fact: Can do more laundry in one day than 4 people combined!
Contributes to the cultural components of our discussions as well as financial fund raising too! Our wonderful asset to the board!

Dave G. LL Board Member, Facilities Liaison, Thurs K-2 Tutor/Retired Xerox Exec. and Fairport Library Board Member
Fun Fact:
More to come

Todd Wed 6-12 Co-Coordinator, LL Board Member/ Engineer & Wizard
Fun Fact: Rivals the Best Trivia Game Hosts!
More to come:
Linda Wed 6-12 Co-Coordinator, LL Board Member/ Retired English Literature
Fun Fact: Best smile and so much fun
More to come:
Carlee Wed. Night 6-12th Tutor, Board Member Emeritus, Long-time tutor and benefactor since 2009/ Retired business administrator
Fun Fact: Has so much fun with her sisters, ask her what they did last!
Carlee is so nice to her students no matter how old they are and what they are studying. She's a veteran tutor we depend on!
Dave L. LL Field Trip Manager, Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor, Board Member Emeritus,
Retired business owner, Fairport Rotarian & Church Leader
Fun Fact: He loves to cook and share!
Always seems to know what's needed at Learning Links and comes through with great people, great ideas and great goodies!
Sharon Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor/ Retired Educator/Red Cross Volunteer
Fun Fact: Creator of the LL Back2School Program
Sharon likes to help people!
Joanne Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor/ Retired Orthodontist
Fun Fact: Has the same birthday as her student!
Joanne represents Learning Links so well that she recruits super speakers for the summer program and tells potential new tutors what LL is all about!
Patty S. Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor/ Middle School Asst. Librarian MD
Fun Fact:
More to come
Fran Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Patti Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor/ Retired Xerox Exec.
Fun Fact: We will have to ask Mr. Chris
More to come
Chris Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor/ Business Owner
Fun Fact: Reads a mean "The Night Before Christmas" in bathrobe, slippers and
long winter cap!
More to come
Julie Wednesday Night 6-12th Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Karen Wednesday Night 6-12th Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Cindy B. Wednesday Night 6-12th Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Kathy Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor & Asst. Coordinator
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Sara Thursday Night K-2 Tutor
Fun Fact: Legos is her middle name
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Kristi Thursday Night K-2 Tutor / Speech Therapist at Brooks Hill by day...
Fun Fact:
Tutoring with her daughter is so much fun!
Grace Thursday Night K-2 Tutor/ Penfield High Student
Fun Fact: Tutors with her Mom!
She loves our K-2 kids so much!
Catherine Wednesday Night 6-12th Tutor
Fun Fact: She helped Fairport Historical Society with a statue!
More to come
MaryAnne Thursday Night K-2 Tutor /Retired Archeologist
Fun Fact: She's a bird and nature expert!
Loves our K-2 kids so much and will be back soon!
Kathie Thursday Night K-2 Tutor / Fairport Kindergarten Teacher
Fun Fact:
More to come
Sunny Thursday Night K-2 Tutor
Fun Fact:
Lloves our K-2 kids so much!
Henry Thursday Night K-2 Tutor/Harley 11th grader
Fun Fact: scholar guy who shares his time with us!
Its a family deal, as his Mom tutors adults and he and sis Lucy tutor K-2!
Lucy Thursday Night K-2 Tutor /Harley 10th grader
Fun Fact: A scholar and athlete!
Its a family deal, as her Mom tutors adults and she and bro Henry tutor K-2!
Jane Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Jim Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor
Fun Fact: Learned about Learning Links from his daughter, Jane!!
More to come
Mary Thursday Night K-2 Tutor
Fun Fact: Ask Blanche...
Loves basketball and our K-2 kids so much!
Blanche Thursday Night K-2 Tutor
Fun Fact: Tutors with her BFF from elementary school!
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Gary Wednesday Night 6-12th Tutor / Climbs the world's mountains for fun!
Fun Fact:
More to come
Tina Thursday Night K-2 Tutor / Retired
Fun Fact: Once read the same long book twice to two groups of K-2 kids!
More to come
Collin Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor
Fun Fact:
More to come
Meghan Thursday Night K-2 Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Jenny Thursday Night K-2 Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Molly Thursday Night K-2 Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Lisa Thursday Night K-2 Tutor
Fun Fact: Retired from being a Principal and now tutors about tigers and stuff!
More to come
Jack Tuesday Night 3-5thTutor
Fun Fact: Eats Math for breakfast!
More to come
Emma Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor / Fairport High Student
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Lori Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor / Retired Teaching Asst. at Brooks Hill
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Alda Wednesday Night 6-12th Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Carolyn Wednesday Night 6-12th Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Cathy G. Wednesday Night 6-12th Tutor & Most Valuable Food Prepper!/Retired Insurance Adjuster, BLC member
Fun Fact:
More to come
Lisa Thursday Night K-2 Tutor
Fun Fact: Retired from being a Principal and now tutors about tigers and stuff!
More to come
Ellen Wednesday Night 6-12th Tutor
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Lizzy Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor / Penfield High Student
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Sarah Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor / Penfield High Student
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!
Maggie Tuesday Night 3-5th Tutor / Penfield High Student
Fun Fact:
Loves our K-2 kids so much!

Emily Board Member Emeritus, Original Web Page Designer for LL
and grant writer/PennState Graduate Volunteer Network Coordinator
Fun Fact: Proud Aunt of three darling nieces!
Emily the newlywed is also a YOGI and is a Communications manager at Princeton University where her husband Gleason is a professor. Graduated (with highest honors) SUNY Binghamton in a dual major, All-American Lacrosse Player in High School and for fun learns how to write a grants and then create a website for Learning Links! MBA graduate!

Judy LL Consultant, LL Board Member Emeritus / Award-winning Legal Assistant
by day
Fun Fact: Loves to travel
Judy learns from the kids as much as they learn from the tutors.
Her motto: Never stop learning!
Barry Wednesday Night 6-12th Tutor / Retired
Fun Fact: Knows everything about birds!
More to come