Learning Links of Fairport

temporarily closed at this time
March 14-28th
or more...
Sorry! Stay well!

We are a volunteer youth
program designed to nurture
and inspire individual strengths
and confidence for success in
life, through learning, mentor-
ing, role-modeling and com-
munity building in a multi-
cultural, suburban setting.
Three nights per week!
We're back for the next half
of 2019-2020 year, three
nights per week from 6:15- 7:30pm. Which night will
you join the fun?
Tuesdays: 3rd - 5th grade
Wednesdays: 6th - 12th grade
And Thursdays:
Kindergarten - 2nd grade
See you at the Pines of Perinton KidsCare building
(next to the office).
Tutoring help is available for
ALL Fairport School children
in grades K - 12. All Fairport students are welcome. This is a
free program.

FOUR nights per week--
one night for
Parents & Adult
Every Monday night,
Learning Links teaches English: speaking, reading, and writing for our multi-cultural parents of Learning Links kids and adult residents in The Pines of Perinton.
Ms. Shelley, as a professional English as a New Language (ENL) Teacher, and her volunteer team will meet you there.
Mondays 6:15-7:30pm at The Pines' KidsCare bldg, off Whitney Road.There is no cost for this class.
So come on over!
*Closed right now in March, 2020.
Stay well, see you soon!
Ask about our newest program offered for adults at the Fairport Public Library on Tuesday mornings
in September for English & Citizenship!

We always need
a few more
awesome people
to help
make a difference
in a child's life!
Could it be

Learning Links is in the news!
Check out these exciting articles...